Earnest Bench — Tekton Carpentry & Design

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07517 577 557

Tekton Carpentry & Design bespoke furniture makers specialise in the design and construction of beautiful handmade British furniture. We specialise in wood and carpentry but often integrate all kinds of different materials from metals to plastics, ceramics and glass into our pieces. We provide high class, top quality one-off pieces of furniture to suit our clients specific needs.

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Earnest Bench

Beautiful bespoke handmade Oak and Iroko bench. Designed with a minimal 70s styling.

Designed and made by Tekton Carpentry & Design - Bespoke furniture makers - Brighton Sussex

The Earnest Bench

The Earnest bench was designed initially to be a lightweight and easily manoeuvrable bench that could be moved around the garden by a single person . The idea was to strip it down to only the necessary components without losing any of the strength, sturdiness and comfort.
As function is only half of the battle with design, the same ethos had to be kept when planning the aesthetic side of the bench. With a slight nod towards minimalist 70s design we decided to go two tone and use a mix of Oak and Iroko. The front legs and the armrests mirror each other using simple shapes, and join to the simplistic curved back section of the end support, all made out of Iroko. The back and seat slats along with the stretchers were made from top quality european oak. The back support and seat were then kept quite simple and shaped around the end sections to tie the whole design together but without over fussing the finished item.


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