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West Sussex
United Kingdom

07517 577 557

Tekton Carpentry & Design bespoke furniture makers specialise in the design and construction of beautiful handmade British furniture. We specialise in wood and carpentry but often integrate all kinds of different materials from metals to plastics, ceramics and glass into our pieces. We provide high class, top quality one-off pieces of furniture to suit our clients specific needs.


Sporadically spaced office shelving

Bespoke designer office furniture/ fit-out. Shelving and filing unit for home office. Designed and built by Tekton Carpentry & Design - Bespoke furniture makers - Brighton, Sussex

Sporadically spaced home office shelving unit

This intermittently spaced shelving unit was designed and built for one of our regular clients. It was part of a large house fit out that included an office, TV room, sauna and a large amount of architectural work.
The design of this item was based on something the clients had seen previously at a friends house. We took the idea the clients had and developed in into this outstanding storage and shelving unit for their office. The randomly spaced shelving section made what could have looked a bit everyday in to something completely unique. Coupled with the simple feel of the file storage sections it makes for a very efficient and aesthetically pleasing piece of office furniture.


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